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Legend (LandMgmt/LDS_LandMgmt_Basemap)

Camping (0)
Gates (1)
Land Management's Wet Crossings (2)
Land Management's Culverts (3)
Recreational Trails (4)
Hiking Only Hiking Only
Hiking and Biking Hiking and Biking
Hiking and Equestrian Hiking and Equestrian
Hiking, Biking and Equestrian Hiking, Biking and Equestrian
Hiking, Biking and Vehicle Hiking, Biking and Vehicle
Hiking, Biking, Vehicle and Equestrian Hiking, Biking, Vehicle and Equestrian
Vehicles Vehicles
Roads (5)
<all other values> <all other values>
1 - Public Road 1 - Public Road
2 - Secondary Road 2 - Secondary Road
3 - Administrative Road 3 - Administrative Road
4 - Abandoned Road 4 - Abandoned Road
5 - Maintained by Other 5 - Maintained by Other
6 - Proposed to Abandon 6 - Proposed to Abandon
7 - ATV access only 7 - ATV access only
Land Management Units (6)
Camp Grounds (7)
Exotics (8)
Not Searched during the last 5 years, Maintenace Control Not Searched during the last 5 years, Maintenace Control
Not Searched during the last 5 years, Treatment Required Not Searched during the last 5 years, Treatment Required
Not Searched during the last 5 years, Treatment not Feasible Not Searched during the last 5 years, Treatment not Feasible
Not Searched during the last 5 years, Unknown Not Searched during the last 5 years, Unknown
Searched during the last 5 years, Maintenace Control Searched during the last 5 years, Maintenace Control
Searched during the last 5 years, Treatment Required Searched during the last 5 years, Treatment Required
Searched during the last 5 years, Treatment in Progress Searched during the last 5 years, Treatment in Progress
Searched during the last 5 years, Treatment not Feasible Searched during the last 5 years, Treatment not Feasible
Unknown, Unknown Unknown, Unknown
Timber Management (9)
Restoration Area Boundaries (10)
Detailed Restoration (11)
FY2018 Completed Burns (14)
FY2018 Proposed Burns (15)
FY2019 Completed Burns (17)
FY2019 Proposed Burns (18)
District Lands (19)
<all other values> <all other values>
Conservation Easement Conservation Easement
Fee Simple Fee Simple
Perpetual Easement not CEs Perpetual Easement not CEs
WMA (20)
2018 Condition Class (21)
Class 1 - Within 1 return interval since disturbance Class 1 - Within 1 return interval since disturbance
Class 2 - Within 2 return intervals since disturbance Class 2 - Within 2 return intervals since disturbance
Class 3 - More that 2 intervals since disturbance Class 3 - More that 2 intervals since disturbance
Class 4 - Too far gone to recover without starting over Class 4 - Too far gone to recover without starting over
Class 5 - System is not maintained by disturbance Class 5 - System is not maintained by disturbance
Class 6 - Timber Management Zone Class 6 - Timber Management Zone
Class 7 - Cattle Class 7 - Cattle
Class 8 - Restoration Class 8 - Restoration
Class 9 - Recreation/Special Use Class 9 - Recreation/Special Use